Mechanisms that Trigger Feelings of Happiness

January 2023

The pursuit of happiness is enshrined in the founding document of our nation as a fundamental and inalienable right. What does it mean to be happy? How can such happiness be sustained over the long term? Can happiness be accurately gauged or measured? How does the paradoxical relationship between happiness and pleasure shape our quest to lead the good life? In 2017, the top ten countries rated as the happiest were: 1. Norway 2. Denmark 3. Iceland 4. Switzerland 5. Finland 6. Netherlands 7. Canada 8. New Zealand 9. Australia 10. Sweden. The United States was 14th

Underlying factors related to happiness come from two dimensions: endogenic factors, meaning the biological, cognitive, personality and ethical sub-factors and exogenic factors such as behavioral, social-cultural, economical, geographical, and life events. Studies show that biological sub-factors are the significant predictors of happiness. Existence of significant differences in temperament and happiness of infants appear also to be indicators of biological influences. Mounting evidence suggests that the cumulative experiences of positive emotions are critical building blocks supporting happiness, flourishing, and overall life satisfaction. Neuroscience studies show that parts of the brain (e.g., amygdala, hippocampus, and limbic system) and neurotransmitters (e.g., dopamine, serotonin, norepinephrine, and endorphin) play a role in the control of happiness. Cortisol and adrenaline from the adrenal gland and oxytocin from the pituitary gland are involved in controlling happiness.

Endorphin, as studied in happiness, is described as an endogenous opioid peptide functioning as a neurotransmitter. It is released during continuous exercise, fear, love, music, chocolate eating, laughter, sex, orgasm, etc. Increased levels of endorphin are shown to inhibit pain in the body whereas reduced levels of endorphin are shown to inhibit positive feelings. Exercises such as walking, running, gym workouts, and laughing, as well as meditation and listening to music are shown to release endorphin or serve as stimuli to release this hormone, providing feelings of strength, confidence and a mood of well-being and happiness.

International studies comparing rates of happiness and incidence of cardiovascular diseases, in particular hypertension, show the rate of hypertension is low among happy societies. In addition, researchers concluded that special emotions like fear, anger, and happiness, play a clear and important role in psychopathology and treatment of cardiovascular diseases. Recent studies show that people with happiness are more able to fight cancer and survive. Some researchers have used music therapy to increase positive emotions in individuals with cancer; they concluded that music therapy has a significant effect on dealing with cancer.

Happiest Countries in the World

Interesting data from the Gallup World Poll, based entirely on survey scores and answers to the main life evaluation question asked in the poll in over 150 countries.

The 2020 report features the happiness score averaged over the years 2017–2019.

The 2022 Report shows several shifts;

The US changed from 18th to 16th.

Afghanistan ranked last in both reports.

Full data is available in many places, including Wikipedia.

Here are the top 20 countries;

2020 Report:

1. Finland

2. Denmark

3. Switzerland

4. Iceland

5. Norway

6. Netherlands

7. Sweden

8. New Zealand

9. Austria

10. Luxembourg

11. Canada

12. Australia

13. United Kingdom

14. Israel

15. Costa Rica

16. Ireland

17. Germany

18. United States

19. Czech Republic

20. Belgium

2022 Report:

1. Finland

2. Denmark

3. Iceland

4. Switzerland

5. Netherlands

6. Luxembourg

7. Sweden

8. Norway

9. Israel

10. New Zealand

11. Austria

12. Australia

13. Ireland

14. Germany

15. Canada

16. United States

17. United Kingdom

18. Czech Republic

19. Belgium

20. France

Health Notes Author

Evelyn Ames